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Disc Pads and Shoes

Disc Pads/Shoes
Historically, pads and shoes contained a lining material made of asbestos or asbestos compounds. Today's friction lining may contain semi-metallic compounds, non-asbestos organic compounds, and ceramics, among others.

Purpose: Pads and shoes are the wearable friction elements of the braking system. When installed properly, they should provide reliable and quiet braking for many miles.

Maintenance Tips/Suggestions: Have your car's brakes inspected annually to make sure everything's OK. It's always best to be able to plan ahead for brake work by knowing brake condition as your car ages. Brakes are a normal wear item for any car, so sooner or later they're going to need replacement. Planning can also save you money, because the brakes won't get to the “metal-to-metal” point, which usually means expensive rotor or drum replacement. Symptoms of brake problems may include dragging brakes, squealing brakes, a pulsating brake pedal (with ABS not functioning), grinding brakes, a low brake pedal or pulling when braking. If your car exhibits any of these symptoms, have it checked out by a professional technician as soon as possible.

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